Computer Department


A graduate in the discipline of Computer Engineering is generally expected to have three kinds of knowledge. First, the graduate should have conceptual knowledge of the core topics of Computer Science. Second, he/she should have knowledge of mathematical formalism underlying various programming concepts. Third, graduates in the discipline of Computer Engineering should have the knowledge of the state of the technologies and tools so that he/she can apply the principles of Computer Science to solve real-life problems from diverse application domains. The programme of B. Tech. in Computer Engineering at Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University (DBATU) essentially aims to meet these three broad expectations. At the same time, the program intends to comply with the courses and syllabus available at National Program on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) and SWAYAM. The following specific educational objectives aims to achieve these global and regional expectations. The following table shows the PEO identifiers and objectives.

PEO Identifier Objectives
PEO 01
To provide sound knowledge of mathematical principles underlying various programming concepts.
PEO 02
To develop an ability to understand complex issues in the analysis, design, implementation and operation of information systems.
PEO 03
To provide knowledge of mechanisms for building large-scale computer-based sys-tems.
PEO 04
To develop an ability to provide computer-based solutions to problems from other disciplines of science and engineering.
PEO 05
To impart skills necessary for adapting to rapid changes taking place in the field of information and communication technologies.